One spring morning, a farmer took his farm hand out to a field to prep it for planting.
"I need this whole field plowed by tomorrow, so that we can get it planted. Can you do that?"
"Absolutely," said the farm hand, ready to jump into the tractor and get to work.
The farmer then hands him a hand shovel, pats him on the back, and says, "I really need this done quickly! It's imperative that we get started planting by tomorrow, or we'll miss the growing season. I have total faith in you."
The farm hand stares at the farmer in dismay, turns and looks at the field, then back at the farmer, only to see him talking on his phone as he walks away. Does he really expect to get the field plowed on time?
Absolutely not.
There's no way, no matter how hard he works, that he will be successful with a hand shovel and the time he has. The farmer's encouraging words and faith in his farm hand doesn't change the facts - that this farmhand was given the wrong tools for the job, and then expected to deliver.
Too often this is how 3D is approached by brands and enterprises.
3D is seen as an amazing tool that has the potential to change how products are created, designed, sold, manufactured, marketed, and so much more. And it's all true.
However, to really do it right, you have to have the right tools for the job. You can't expect to get the most out of your 3D team if they don't have the correct tools to do the job, and I don't mean software. No matter how good the software is, in the end it's dependent on one thing - hardware.
3D creators can be incredibly talented, driven, and efficient. They may know their chosen software intimately and deeply. But that software is not going to work correctly for them if they don't have the right hardware.
Technology is moving so quickly that the standard 3-4 year hardware cycle that enterprises use is woefully inadequate for 3D teams. A two year old laptop cannot keep up with the needs of software today.
Some may say that it's a large expense to keep hardware up to date. This is true. But giving your team the tools they need to do the job you require them to do, and giving them the best, keep them not only to deliver at a high level, but to innovate and discover with the additional time they have because of the efficiency that the correct hardware can give them. This ends up getting you to your goal faster, saving tons of time and therefore money, and making those using the tools much more efficient.
It has been amazing to work with companies who see a deficiency in their hardware, and therefore their capabilities, and invest in the correct tools, and then to see their output skyrocket. These companies didn't realize what they could do, until they had the right tools.
If you really want to get serious about 3D, it's time to look at your hardware.